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elementary school students sitting on floor in class
boy drawing in class at desk
happy elementary school students smiling in a circle

The Thimmig Latest

Why choose Thimmig?

In partnership with our families and the community, Thimmig Elementary empowers every student today to take control of their future tomorrow.

Learn More About Our Story

Students see growth through data

Thimmig’s data-driven culture is directly related to our positive academic performance. Through evidence-based decision making, we plan our next steps for students and the school. In turn, parents of our students trust our teachers because they have the proof to support improved student achievement.

school kids looking at laptop

Highest gains on state tests among 27J Schools

 Testing preparation is a normal and ongoing part of the learning process at Thimmig. This practice helps our students go into the tests with confidence and understanding of the task at hand. 

young boy writing in class

Parents join the Thimmig team!

Our parents want to be involved at the school so much, some have even become substitute teachers! They believe in the priorities and direction of our school and its inviting culture keeps them coming back. 

woman helping latino student at school
Thimmig Elementary

What’s Happening

smiling elementary school students outside school
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